5 Ways on How To Use Barbells


They are a great way to increase muscle tone and strength, especially for people with access to a home gym. They can be used in various ways, from simple push-ups to more complex exercises that require using several muscles at once. This article will explain how they work, so you get the best results possible from your workouts!


Deadlifting is a compound, full-body exercise that targets almost all major muscle groups. It is one of the best exercises to build strength and muscle mass.

Deadlifts are performed by holding loaded barbells across your upper back while standing upright with feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. The movement begins with lowering the weight toward the ground until the thighs are parallel to the floor or below, depending on your comfort level.

At this point, push through heels into the ground as if trying to extend hips forward while keeping chest up high; this will cause the weight to rise off the ground until arms are straightened completely with shoulders pulled back behind the neck, so the chest faces skyward again.

Bent-over Row

The bent-over row is a classic exercise that targets your back and biceps muscles. It’s also one of the best ways to build muscle in your upper back, which is important for posture and preventing injury when lifting heavy weights.

To make this move, stand with feet hip-width apart and hold the equipment with an overhand grip (palms facing down). Bend at the hips until your torso is almost parallel to the floor, then lift toward your chest by raising both arms straight up in front of you. Pause briefly, then lower down slowly until arms are straight but not locked out at the bottom of each rep. Repeat for reps.


Squats are a great exercise for your legs, hips and core. To perform a squat: Stand with feet hip-width apart while holding onto a pair at arm’s length in front of your chest; keep knees bent slightly as you lower into the squat until both thighs are parallel with the floor (or as low as possible without rounding spine). Push back up through your heels until you are standing tall again.

Overhead Press

The Overhead Press is a great exercise for developing your shoulders, traps, triceps and deltoids. This exercise aims to lift to the position above your head using only your arms and then lower it back down to shoulder level. To perform this exercise properly:

  • Hold onto one end of your loaded one with palms facing each other
  • Lift into an upright position by dipping down slightly while keeping knees bent and back straight
  • Drive up through heels until reaching full extension overhead; do not lock elbows out completely
  • Lower back down slowly under control until arms are straight but not locked out

It is a very technical lift and requires some practice to become proficient. If you are just starting, using the power snatch as your first variation is highly recommended.

Good for bodybuilding

Barbells are excellent for bodybuilding, as they simultaneously work for multiple muscle groups. They’re also easy to use, making them a great option for beginners. Plus, they can be used almost anywhere; you only need space on the floor or ground!

They are the most versatile tool for bodybuilding, and they can be used to target every muscle group in your body. The best part is that there are so many different exercises to choose from! Try mixing exercises by doing squats one day and overhead presses another.