6 Lucky Charm Jewelry You Have To Know In 2022

annals of history

Charm jewelry is all about symbolism and sentimental value. That trinket you attach to your diamond bracelet, earring, rings, or necklace is like a wearable memory. For many people, it is that accessory that holds such dear memories.

You can create charm jewelry with diamonds, glass, metal, beads, or whatever else you prefer. So, are they a new fashion trend? The answer is no. A walk down the annals of history shows they have been around for a long time. Egyptian pharaohs were some of the first people to wear charms. They believed that wearing them could keep away evil spirits.

Later, people started to include charms in talismans and amulets. It was common to find them in necklaces and bracelets as protection from evil. Other cultures, like the Romans, would use charms for religious purposes. The same applies to knights and soldiers wearing them during battle to keep them safe.

Over time, there was less superstition attached to wearing charm jewelry. Indeed it became a fashion statement amongst stylish ladies. The 18th and 19th-century women would wear charms on chains dangling from their waists.

And now, charm jewelry provides a way to keep the past alive. Their sentimental value makes them a popular fashion trend. And some believe that wearing charms can bring good luck.

Our article explores some charm jewelry you should know in 2022.

1. Individual vs. Layered Charms

Charm jewelry comes in a variety of designs. One of them is the individual or single charms. These are fantastic for creating memories or safeguarding personal history. Let’s say you own a diamond that has been part of the family for years. You can incorporate the diamond as a trinket on your bracelet or necklace. This can be a single stone set in metal with a clasp, a small hoop, or a pendant, or even a diamond bracelet.  With a little imagination, you can now carry your memory as a part of your charm jewelery.

Every time you look at or touch the diamond, it brings up nostalgic feelings. Yet, the charm also acts as an excellent centerpiece. Imagine how fantastic a colored diamond would look on a pendant. For outsiders, it would look like a style statement. Yet, only you know the story behind the lovely diamond.

2. Personalized Charm Jewelry

Express yourself with the charm jewelry in a way that is unique to you. Custom-created pieces allow for personalization. You can create a special connection with times of special significance in your life. It also provides an opportunity to tell a story and celebrate milestones.

You can, for example, have your birthstone, the lucky four-leaf clover, or even symbols of the moon. The beauty is that you can have as many symbols as you want.

Layered trinkets on a necklace or bracelet provide an exciting look. And, within each can be a story worthy of long conversations.

3. Faith-Based Charm Jewelry

Faith-based charm jewelry is not only about religious affiliations. They also allow you to express what you believe in. Wearing a protective talisman shows you believe that evil can be kept at bay.

Pendants with luck and protection symbols are a subtle acknowledgment of your beliefs. It is not uncommon to see necklaces or bracelets with evil eyes, horseshoes, or figs. You can also get custom-made angels, religious motifs, and more.

Another example is the Hamsa. The palm-shaped amulet has its origins in North Africa and the Middle East. You will often find reference to it as ‘the hand of God.’

Wearing the Hamsa brings feelings of positivity, good health, protection, and happiness. It is also an excellent way to keep away harmful energy.

4. Nature Inspired Charm Jewelry

Many people get inspiration from nature. There is something so calming about being in natural surroundings.

Nature can have amazing benefits for your health. Indeed, there is scientific research to support this.

Spending time surrounded by nature can help with conditions like depression and anxiety. Eco therapy is becoming the new fitness trend. Instead of confining yourself to the gym, you exercise outdoors.

Nature-inspired charm jewelry allows you to bring in nature wherever you are. A green diamond pendant is the ultimate expression of the wondrous beauty of nature.

The ‘Tree of Life symbolizes growth, family, and generations. Leaves and petals shaped charms bring in the inspiration of nature and more.

5. Animal-Inspired Charm Jewelry

Different cultures attach different attributes to animals. You may cringe when you see a snake. But this fascinating creature is also a symbol of the cycle of life and rebirth.

Serpentine designs on bracelets or rings are pretty popular. You can customize it to include your favorite gemstones. Such include diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, etc.

Imagine your lucky charm bracelet featuring a snake. The body will be the wraparound part of the bracelet.

The clasp should be the head of the snake. This gives a feeling of infinity and is also a symbol of the cycle of life.

6. Astrology-Inspired Charm Jewelry

Do you pay attention to what your zodiac sign has to say? Some people will not even leave the house without knowing what the stars have aligned for them. Well, now you can have your zodiac sign as part of the lucky charm. The idea is to inspire prosperity and luck.

Astrology-inspired jewelry chains for 2022 include:-

  • Aries lucky charm should be on your home keys or bracelet. The year may not be one you would want to remember. Despite your hard work, things may not work out as you wish. So the lucky charm should be one that inspires prosperity and success.
  • Taurus should look out for the number 7. That is what the zodiac says is your lucky number. So, go ahead and get a custom made charm jewelry bearing the number.
  • Gemini’s need to stock up on chirmi beads to attract luck.
  • Cancer zodiac sign has picked the sunflower. If yours dies, watch out for some bad tidings.
  • Leo Zodiac sign’s  good luck charm symbol is the horseshoe and dice.
  • Virgo’s charm is the evil eye. You will find plenty of protection if you wear it as a bracelet or pendant.
  • Librans should shop for a glass tortoise. Think about how cute that would look on a pendant, bracelet, or necklace.
  • Capricorn should have the four-leaf clover that symbolizes hope and prosperity, etc.

annals of history

Final Thoughts

Keep evil and bad luck away with your lucky charm jewelry. You can use different materials, including diamonds, metal, and stone.

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