Getting a Perfect Study Environs for Exam Prep!

Are you preparing for the UP PCS examination? UPPSC is one of the most challenging examinations. You will require intense, planned and devoted preparation. You might have to lock yourself up in your study room for at least an hour at a stretch in order to concentrate better. Aspirants may have a separate area for studying. Some don’t study in a single place, altering their study places often, and some aspirants have a single place to study every time.

The ambience of your room plays an important part in your being able to focus and study faster for the UPPSC exam. It is important to study in the proper ambience. Your study place must be peaceful, clean, clutter-free and inspiring. Through this article, we will guide you on how you can create a perfect study place, the most suitable environment for exam preparation so as to keep you up and motivated always and help you prepare with the least amount of difference.

Tips to Set Up a Perfect Study Ambience for Exam Preparation
  1. Permanent place to study – The very basic thing is getting a place for yourself where you are comfortable sitting for long hours and studying. A permanent study area will help you focus better on your studies; you will start your studies quickly, wherever you will sit for studying.
  2. Organise your study area well – Having an organised study area will help you save time as all of the study materials like books, previous years’ question paper, newspapers, sticky notes, writing materials etc. will already be there in a systematic manner near the study area, so you do not spend time each time you sit to study. Also, organised study areas remind aspirants that their principal business is to prepare for the exam without losing time.
  3. Decorate the walls of your study room– Place some motivational sayings or pictures on your wall. Reading something inspirational or a quote by your favourite icon on the wall or study table can motivate you when you feel down and out.
  4. Clean your mess– Always maintain a clean study space so that it may propel you to sit and read. Remove clutter from your table. Have only those things that you need. Keep relevant books on the table rather than keeping all books on the table. Unnecessary objects can distract you from your goal. Physical clutter can lead to mental clutter as well.
  5. Get good furniture– Avoid sitting in the bed when you have to study for long hours. Studying in bed makes you dull and drowsy and will not let you keep up your zeal to continue your studies. A good and comfortable chair and table enable one to sit up for maximum time and also keep away from boredom and drowsiness.
  6. A well-lit place– Your study space should get proper lighting at all times, be it morning, noon or night. Getting good natural light in your study area will not strain your eyes while reading. Also, try to use artificial lights for studying only after sunset.
  7. Good ventilation– It is impossible to sit in a stuffy room for any with full concentration. Always try to get a place near the window when you sit to study. An airy and well-ventilated room will enable you to sit for long hours in your room, and that is what a UPPSC aspirant is expected of.
  8. Avert distractions in your study room– If possible, let your study room be one that is secluded from the rest of the house or place of stay. Remove all objects of distraction like the television, music system, etc. It is better if these objects are elsewhere so that you don’t have any temptation to switch them on. You can concentrate better with minimum noise and the least interference from other people.

At the very least, try to create the right environment for your exam preparation. Having the right mood to study goes a long way in maintaining motivation and helping you in nailing the UPPSC Result. Have proper lighting and comfortable seating. Have a picture of your icon or an inspirational saying on the wall or study table. This can vitalise you to start again. Avoid making a habit of studying while in your bed or in your TV room. Ensure that your room is peppy and clean to keep you going a long way.