High-Risk Transactions – Implementing Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) for Scam Prevention in Financial Firms

Know Your Customer

In the age of technological revolution, business owners must broaden their perspective from focusing only on revenue generation to attracting genuine customers to their firms. This means identity verification of all investorsocial stakeholders is mandatory nowadays. Moreover, modern-day businesses must classify their clients based on their risk profile. In order to extend services to only real users, global regulatory authorities have instructed organizations to implement Customer Due Diligence (CDD) processes. But the focus of this approach is to perform basic risk evaluations on customer credentials. As KYC/AML compliance has become more stringent with the passage of time, implementing Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) is a suitable approach for fraud prevention and identifying high-risk transactions.

Gaining Insight into the EDD Review Process

It is an advanced procedure for verifying high-risk transactions and client profiles. It is a part of the (KYC) validation approach that  mybestinsight uses an advanced rating system to detect high-risk entities. EDD process ensures in-depth scrutiny for discouraging the fraud attempts of bad actors (e.g., PEPs). The summary of the steps is following:

  • Performing Risk-based approach
  • Creating an EDD checklist
  • Analyzing the origin of money & UBOs
  • Implementing perpetual transaction monitoring
  • Examination market reputation of the business
  • Using an address verification solution
FATF’s Stance on Dealing with High-Risk Transactions

Financial Actions Task Force (FATF) endorses the Risk-Based Approach (RBA) for tackling high-risk financial transactions and users. All businesses, especially financial firms must opt for a Risk-Based Approach (RBA) for actively fighting money laundering and terrorism financing cases. They must comply with AML/CFT standards to combat such types of risky transactions efficiently. Companies must brightlinemedia the impact of high-risk transactions on their workflow with the help of RBA approach. According to the latest FATF’s 40 recommendations, the advanced approach allows states to opt for flexible solutions that easily optimize their capital use.

EDD Process Offers More than Just Basic Services

Enhanced due diligence review procedure is part of ID Validation measures and plays an important role in fraud prevention. It has several other advantages as well. Following are some of the perks that financial businesses can enjoy after utilizing Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD).

Improving Customer Experience

The use of enhanced due diligence processes requires a lot more information than CDD procedures. This is really important for the successful completion of Identity verification mechanism and effective fraud prevention. All the given information will not only streamline customer onboarding thedigitaluprise but also detect users having high-risk transactions records, helping banking service providers ensure a positive experience for their users worldwide.

Preventing the Flow of Illicit Funds

Performing Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) checks, entrepreneurs can stop the flow of illegal funds effectively. Keeping a record of files with all legal transactions is easily possible with the EDD verification solution. This progressive approach not only verifies customer IDs but all the parties linked with the concerned business. Additional security layers protect financial firms from money laundering and the consequences of high-risk transactions.

Maintaining Market Reputation

Constructing a favorable brand image can be accomplished with the help of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Moreover, the implementation of enhanced due diligence can also help with the objective. This means that potential business partners in the industry will easily trust the banking service provider. This approach communicates the message that all the transactions are strictly monitored and no clients that perform high-risk transactions are part of the business.

Discouraging All Types of Fraud

Employing the Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) review process not only helps with preventing money laundering but also terrorism financing and account takeover cases. This approach allows entrepreneurs to focus their energies on achieving business milestones and achieving profitability goals timely. In this light, KYC/AML compliance has also become more stringent than before. Using enhanced due diligence has become a requirement for preventing crimes and mitigating high-risk transactions in financial institutions.

Concluding Remarks

Implementation of enhanced due diligence is critical for dealing with high-risk transactions and risky customers in real time. This procedure demands a lot of details to guarantee accurate results. In addition, there are several benefits to this progressive method besides performing powerful ID validation checks. It helps increase business reputation in the market to attract potential corporate partners and genuine customers. The implementation of state-of-the-art solutions keeps all kinds of financial crimes at bay for banking service providers.

Collaboration with a third-party service provider and using KYC and AML screening processes guarantee the identification of all high-risk transactions and users in real time. Consequently, the comprehensive review process streamlines customer onboarding for financial institutions.