How to Design online review system for your business

remove bad reviews

Keep track of your reason when you utilize one element over another or add an additional step to the flow. We always drive design conclusions, and you have a reason for every single one. Maintain your logic fresh, and then you’re capable of bringing it up when somebody makes a recommendation or questions you. The rating method performs agreeably when you have a considerable user command comparing items and becomes significant only when you have a considerable digit of votes/reviews. The small user base will probably be incapable of providing adequate data to create a significant picture. When a user rates an item, the system should notify users that the rating has been registered.

The company must determine whether the creation cracks a specific issue or carries a certain metric. If not, you get into individual preferences, and all will hate subjective feedback. Create sure they approach the structure from the lens of how nicely your resolution solves the issue.Make certain you request the right individuals for feedback on the good things and remove bad reviews. Describe the trade manager to pay awareness to the copy in the onboarding procedure; it must be compatible with what is on the website.


Users who see solely overwhelmingly favorable reviews start to doubt the considerations.Users should suppose they can trust your users’ personal opinions on things. Never use ratings to promote a detailed product.

Best techniques for prompting reviews

The best techniques mentioned in this section involve more of the eCommerce experience.

Add the rate product step into a post-purchase knowledge

For business websites, it’s suggested to start appeals to rate a development after the user receives it. People can provide more useful feedback when they use a product for a bit.

Prompt users to upload images.

A photo is worth a thousand words. Permitting users to upload images makes user thoughts more descriptive. It will be much more comfortable for other individuals to understand what the reviewer suggests. Plus, images add credibility and authenticity.

Deliver specific criteria for evaluation

When you request users to supply ratings and reviews, you can guide them to some standards for evaluation. It will allow you to collect more detailed feedback from your users.


Be transparent when conveying what is being rated and remove bad reviews. For instance, when users buy a product from an online marketplace, they must confirm how they rate the item they’ve purchased or the vendor’s services.

Essential properties of the rating system

It should be comfortable for users to leave their idea on a certain item. Use a straightforward rating system such as the one noted below:

  • Binary rating system (Like/Dislike)is known as all or zero and performs best for ranges such as articles, music, or videos.
  • 1–5 stars rating. This rating method depends on a 1–5 stars rating scale, where one-star signals ‘horrific’ while five stars signal an amazing’ background/product. This rating procedure is typically used in business.
  • 1–10 stars rating system depends on a 1–10 stars rating scale. It permits users to deliver a more precise rating of a product/service.