Simple Ways to Relax During Free Time Besides Watching TV

When you feel like you are burnt out after a long tiring day at school or work, what is your go-to thing to do to unwind or recharge yourself? Your answer could be binge-watching a TV show, chatting with a friend, or playing online games. This shows unwinding for people involves screen downtime in this age.

The best way to unwind is to disconnect from your screen for a while and try to indulge in other enjoyable activities. When you try to have some screen-free downtime, you are likely to wake up more refreshed than ever. Here’s a list of things that you can do to relax:

Read a Book

If you have been wanting to develop the habit of reading, now is the time to do it. For those who are looking for ways to relax other than watching TV, then you should consider reading at night. When there are no distractions, you will be able to focus more on reading.

It is a surefire way to increase your knowledge on subjects that you find interesting. Make sure that you incorporate book reading into your bedtime routine. There will be days when you will doze off while reading.

Do Some Gentle Yoga Stretches Before Bedtime

Doing some gentle yoga does not only help you relax before bed but also helps in getting you ready for sleep. Many people do their yoga in the morning right after they wake up. But you can also find some great bedtime yoga routines online. You must be connected to a reliable internet to be able to look for yoga that you can do at night. Check out internet deals that you can sign up to have a smooth online experience.

Once you do some gentle stretches, you will be able to sleep soundly throughout the night. Another great advantage of yoga is that it relieves your stress in no time.

Have a Relaxing Bath Time

Who does not like to have some me-time? After a long tiring day at work, you can take a long bath. It is, without a doubt, one of the best ways to unwind.

You can even make your bath time exciting. Now you might be wondering how you can do so, all you have to do is get a bath bomb or some bath salts, a good book, a cup of coffee or tea and not to mention, a charcoal face mask and you are all set to have a relaxing bath experience! After the bath, you will be able to fall asleep instantly.


In this digital age, we are always getting some sort of new information via social media platforms. And absorbing too much information through your internet-connected devices could increase the chatter in your brain.

In order to decrease that, you should try to take the time to dump your thoughts onto a piece of paper.  This is, without a doubt, a powerful way to clear your mind, sleep better, and reduce your anxiety in no time.

Go for a Stroll in a Park

If you have been doing house chores all day long, you need some change. Going for a stroll in the outdoors is a perfect way to unwind in no time.

As soon as you step into the nature, it will have a positive effect on your mood. In addition to that, nature will play a vital role in reducing stress and anxiety.

You can even carry a book with you and read it under a tree. Doing so will eventually increase your creativity.

All in All…

Admit it or not, watching TV or indulging in anything other than screen activity to unwind triggers your mind to keep working. With the aforementioned tips, you will be able to enjoy some downtime without having to watch TV. Make sure that you give the above tips a shot as they will leave you feeling more energized.