What is the Cost of Retail Renovation in Singapore?

When you walk into a store, you’re usually greeted by a particular ambience, a unique shopping experience crafted by a careful blend of design, layout, and aesthetics. But what does it take to create such a compelling environment?

In the bustling retail landscape of Singapore, renovation plays a critical role in shaping that experience. Let’s explore what goes into the cost of retail renovation in Singapore and why it’s more than just a price tag.

6 Factors that Affect the Cost of Retail Renovation in Singapore

1. Size of Space

Naturally, the larger the area, the more extensive the work, and hence, the higher the cost of renovation. It’s not just about filling the space but creating a flow that guides and engages the customer.

2. Design Complexity

Intricate designs, custom-made fixtures, or unique architectural features can drive up costs. Simpler, more standard designs are generally more affordable.

That said, the design of your store is intertwined with your brand’s identity. Yes, the more complex, the more the investment, but the payoff can be a uniquely captivating customer experience.

3. Quality of Materials

Quality comes at a cost but also brings durability and a touch of luxury from high-end materials and finishes to custom fixtures. The choice between luxury and more budget-friendly materials will influence the final price.

4. Regulatory Compliance

Adhering to local building codes and regulations may require additional permits or specialized work. Navigating Singapore’s strict building codes and regulations might add to the cost, but it ensures that your store is safe, accessible, and compliant. It’s about building trust and reliability in your business foundation.

5. Contractor Selection

Experienced contractors with a reputation for quality work may charge higher fees. The choice between specialized retail renovation experts and general contractors can also affect the price. Remember, experience often translates to efficiency and innovation!

6. Timeline

A shorter timeline may lead to increased costs as contractors might charge a premium for rush jobs. Planning ahead gives you the leisure to make thoughtful decisions, aligning your renovation goals without hitting a wall in your budget.

What is the Typical Cost Range in Singapore?

Costs are often calculated based on a per-square-foot basis. In Singapore, the cost of retail renovation can range anywhere from SGD 100 to SGD 500 per square foot.


Various factors, including the size of space, design complexity, materials, compliance, contractor selection, and timelines, influence the cost of retail renovation in Singapore.

A successful renovation requires a clear understanding of these factors, aligned with the brand’s objectives and budget constraints. While retail renovation is an investment, it can be a transformative move that enhances the aesthetic appeal of the space and boosts business performance and customer satisfaction.

With careful planning and consideration, it’s an investment that can pay dividends in the long run, making it worth the careful consideration of every factor involved.