How to add photos to Instagram without posting?


Have you ever wondered how to keep your Instagram highlights from being seen by specific people? For example, is it possible to add photos on Instagram without also publishing them? Socialgreg can help you get more likes, subscribers, and followers on Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube.

When you assign a story to one of your followers, the highlights will be available for them “forever”. Even if Instagram stories are only accessible to your followers for 24 hours. Here’s a step-by-step guide that shows you how to add photos to Instagram without posting them.

Tips to add photos to Instagram without posting

Instagram is a photo-sharing app that allows users to take, edit and share photos with their friends. There are several ways to add photos to Instagram without posting them.

Method 1: Disable Your Instagram Followers

Blocking one’s followers to keep them from seeing your highlight is generally considered a harsh approach. Although it will be time-consuming, this is only a temporary solution. Once you’ve selected all the files you want to transfer, here’s what to do next:

Step 1: After opening the Instagram app, click the “Profile” button on the “Home” page of Instagram.

Step 2: Click the menu bar in the upper right corner of the “Profile” page.

Step 3: Select “Settings” from the menu that appears at the bottom of the screen.

Step 4: Select “Privacy” from the drop-down menu under “Settings.”

Step 5: Click the “Story” option on the “Privacy” page.

Step 6: After entering the “Story” page, select the “0 People” checkbox next to the “Hide Story From” section.

Step 7: Choose all of your Instagram followers to prevent anyone from seeing your most recent upcoming highlight.

Method 2: Creating a “Close Friends” Group

An Instagram “close friends” list is a way to share your highlights with specific people, rather than letting everyone else see them. Here’s how:

Step 1: Open the Instagram app and select the “Profile” icon.

Step 2: On the “Profile” page, click the navigation bar.

Step 3: Select “Settings.”

Step 4: Click the “Privacy” choice on the “Settings” tab to choose it.

Step 5: Select “Story” from the menu on the “Privacy” page.

Step 5: Select “Story” from the menu on the “Privacy” page.

Step 6: Next, select “0 Friends” from the list of “Close Friends” by tapping the button.

Step 7: To add someone to your Close Friends list, tap the circles next to their name.

Step 8: Click “Done” after selecting the followers who will be on your list of “Close Friends.”

Method 3: Making Your Instagram Profile Private

Step 1: On Instagram’s “Home” page, click the “Profile” button.

Step 2: Select the menu button when you are on the “Profile” page.

Step 3: Select “Settings” from the menu.

Step 4: Select “Privacy” from the menu under “Settings.”

Step 5: At this point, tap the “Private Account” arrow buttons.

After you confirm the privacy setting, a confirmation message will appear. If so, select “Switch to Private” from the menu.


You can easily add your own photos to Instagram without having to actually post them. Some people do this because they’re still editing their photos and haven’t quite achieved what they’re looking for yet. Others use it as a way to save their photos as they’re applying various effects and filters. No matter what your reason is for adding photos to your profile and then not posting them, you have plenty of options.