How to send linkedin message to connect?


LinkedIn is a networking site that helps you connect to people from different industries. With over 810 million users, it’s hard not to find the person you’re looking for on LinkedIn! On LinkedIn, you can use the network to find new opportunities and connect with people who will help your business grow. Using Youtubestorm, you can boost your YouTube views, likes and subscribers.

Are you looking for the best ways to connect with LinkedIn contacts? Here’s a rundown of different strategies that you can use. In this article, we will talk about how to send Linkedin message to connect.

What Is the Objective of LinkedIn Connection Request Messages?

When users connect with each other on LinkedIn, they can view others’ profiles and determine how the person might perceive them. A connection request allows you to accomplish the following goals:

  • You should contact the person and ask for their email address so you can invite them.
  • You can use this approach when you want to give feedback or ask the firm follow-up questions.
  • You can view someone’s professional profile and other publicly available information before requesting a connection.
  • You can learn about someone’s connections by examining who they are connected to.
Tips For Sending Messages Requesting Connections On LinkedIn

The connection request that you send determines how you will interact with the prospect.

1. Make your request more formal

You should compose your message carefully, making sure that it is neither too casual nor overly formal. Additionally, you should always email a contact through his or her primary account rather than sending a direct message through their LinkedIn page.

2. Describe yourself

Include a one-sentence biographical statement that briefly states who you are. This will give your connection more information about you and help the person contact them for possible collaboration down the line somewhere.

3. Be specific with your expectations.

If you would like to speak with us, please let us know. If a partnership interests you, say so before becoming “friends” on LinkedIn.

Steps to send linkedin message to connect
1. Message-sending techniques for your connections.

Step 1: Visit the LinkedIn profile of your relation.

Step 2: A blue “Message” button can be found at the top of their profile.

Step 3: Write your message and then hit the Send key.

2. The best way to message second-degree connections.

In order to contact a second-degree connection if you don’t have any other way of contacting that person, you can use LinkedIn’s InMail feature.

Step 1: Visit the LinkedIn profile of your relation.

Step 2: The site’s blue “Connect” button is located at the top of users’ profiles.

Step 3: Write a personal message to the person you want to connect with, mentioning something you have in common or respect for their work. When your invitation is ready, click “Send”

Step 4: After they’ve accepted your invitation, follow these steps to send a message.

3. How to message people you’re not linked to on LinkedIn.

Step 1: Visit the LinkedIn profile of your connection.

Step 2: Check whether a person’s first and last names appear.

Step 3: To send an invitation to a user, you can click on their name from the contacts list and then press “Connect”.


When you contact someone who is not connected to you, it is likely that they will receive a message from their network notifying them of your connection request. By the way, do you what is the most dangerous sport in the world? Click here to know more.  If you want people to accept your request and then engage with you on LinkedIn, there are a few things that can help boost the likelihood of that happening.