What difference between your newsfeed and your story on Facebook


The newsfeed is a chronological list of posts from people you follow, as well as posts from pages you follow. You can also add non-followers to see their posts in the newsfeed too. To boost your social media platform successfully, you can take help from subscriberZ to get views and likes.

To see your stories on Facebook, one of your friends must have followed you back. If a friend doesn’t follow you back, they won’t be able to see any of the posts in which you’ve shared anything publicly. In this post, we will discuss the difference between Newsfeed and Facebook stories. So, let’s get started.

What difference between your newsfeed and your story on Facebook?
Simple Difference

A Facebook user’s home page is called the news feed. Updates from friends appear in this area, and you can scroll down to see new posts that have been made on your wall—or timeline, as some users may prefer to call it.

The Your Story option lets you add images and videos to your story. The Create a story option is new; it enhances the multimedia content of your story by providing new images or videos at regular intervals. Once one storyteller has finished, another takes the stage.

Long career

Your posts remain in the news feed indefinitely or until you actively delete them. A tale is a short piece of content that lives for only one day. Tales are only visible on your profile for twenty-four hours before they’re automatically removed from friends’ view. However, Facebook’s Archive tool allows you to retrieve old stories—and even create highlights from them.


Facebook’s Android app, the Lite version of Facebook for Android, and its website all allow you to browse your newsfeed to find posts made by others.

If your privacy settings are set to make your stories visible to the Public, then yes, those same stories will be cross-posted on Facebook Messenger. Although the creative options for Facebook Messenger tales are different from those of Facebook stories, both allow you to make short films. People also use social media to know different things like how many clubs are there in a golf bag. 

Content position 

Your story can be displayed in two places: first, on the page where you share it; and second, at the top of your profile. First, your friend’s stories appear at the top of Facebook’s news feed and in its Messenger chat list. From there, you can both write your own narrative and read other people’s accounts. In the news feed, other users’ posts seem to drown out the substance of a story.

Gets more visibility

Telling your story has its own section, so it gets more visibility than any other post on a feed. Additionally, when you upload photos as articles to your stream, the system doesn’t spam anyone’s newsfeed. Also, many people can simultaneously post stories and share their work with a wide audience.

Likes and Comments

If you use the News Feed option, people can like and comment on such posts. Your other Facebook friends will also be able to see these likes and comments. When you post a story, only the people who follow your page will be able to see it in their News Feed. Comments on stories are known as reactions and appear via Facebook Messenger.


The first thing to understand about Facebook stories is that it is different from the news feed. While you enjoy commenting, story posting, and images in the newsfeed, your story is a new channel that will have less interaction from your friends and family. Your story is limited in so many ways and here are a few tips to help you get started.